A BSAC volunteer writes: During Mrs. Fingle's visit to our adoption center, she asked my opinion on ballot question 3. Here is my response:
"This will prohibit breeding pigs, calves raised for veal, and egg-laying hens from being held in spaces that prevent the animals from lying down, standing up, fully extending their limbs, or turning around freely. I feel animal neglect, harm, and suffering is never justified. Providing food-producing animals the simple “luxury” of being able to move and function as they have been created to do is something that should never have been taken from them.
“The only basis that comes up from the opposition is the financial burden that treating animals more humanely might cause. Alternate food sources of protein like beans and soy milk may become popular as a cheaper alternative for those in need. This could stimulate the economy towards these alternative sources.
Thanks for voting yes!
A BSAC volunteer writes: During Mrs. Fingle's visit to our adoption center, she asked my opinion on ballot question 3. Here is my response:
"This will prohibit breeding pigs, calves raised for veal, and egg-laying hens from being held in spaces that prevent the animals from lying down, standing up, fully extending their limbs, or turning around freely. I feel animal neglect, harm, and suffering is never justified. Providing food-producing animals the simple “luxury” of being able to move and function as they have been created to do is something that should never have been taken from them.
“The only basis that comes up from the opposition is the financial burden that treating animals more humanely might cause. Alternate food sources of protein like beans and soy milk may become popular as a cheaper alternative for those in need. This could stimulate the economy towards these alternative sources.
Thanks for voting yes!